This page is a brief overview of how to use UltraDark. Other examples go into more detail.
UltraDark is built around UltraDark.AbstractGrids
objects that contain coordinates and fields, and keep track of the relations between them. There are two types of grids included with UltraDark. UltraDark.Grids
are built around regular Julia Core.Array
s. These are the grids used in most of the examples in this documentation. UltraDark.PencilGrids
is built around PencilArrays.PencilArray
and PencilFFTs
. PencilGrids
are useful for taking advantage of MPI parallelism when running in a cluster environment.
Note that there is significant overhead involved in using PencilGrids
. It is best to stick to Grids
unless you are running jobs accross multiple nodes.
You can define your own subtype of UltraDark.AbstractGrids
if you wish to take advantage of other forms of parallelism or change the dynamics of the fields.
Let's start by creating a Grids
using UltraDark
const resol = 64
const box_length = 10.0
grids = Grids(box_length, resol);
is initially empty, as we can see by checking its mass
UltraDark.update_gravitational_potential!(grids) # ensure the density is up to date
Initial conditions are set by modifying the field ψx
of grids
. Let's use UltraDark.Initialise.add_fdm_soliton!
to add a soliton with nonzero velocity to the center of grid
const mass = 10
const position0 = [0, 0, 0]
const velocity = [1, 0, 0]
const phase = 0
const t0 = 0
UltraDark.Initialise.add_fdm_soliton!(grids, mass, position0, velocity, phase, t0)
Now, as expected, the mass on grids
is nonzero
UltraDark.update_gravitational_potential!(grids) # ensure the density is up to date
This does not exactly equal mass
because we have used a coarse grid.
Let's also check the location of the soliton.
CartesianIndex(32, 32, 32)
The indices of the maximum are at half resol
in each dimension; this is the center of the box.
After creating a AbstractGrids
on which a simulation will happen and adding some matter to it, one must specify how the simulation should be carried out. The most important details are when and where to write output, and when the simulation should end.
const output_times = 0:0.5:2
const output_dir = joinpath(mktempdir(), "output")
output_config = OutputConfig(output_dir, output_times; box = true)
See UltraDark.Output.OutputConfig
for more details of how to configure the output and UltraDark.Config.SimulationConfig
to configure other aspects of the simulation.
Now we are ready to run a simulation by calling simulate!
. Running this line will likely take some time, especially if UltraDark.jl has not been precompiled by your Julia installation.
@time simulate!(grids, output_config)
[ Info: Reached time 0.5000000000000002
[ Info: Reached time 1.0
[ Info: Reached time 1.5000000000000009
[ Info: Reached time 2.0
4.010516 seconds (40.19 k allocations: 746.614 MiB, 0.48% gc time, 1.02% compilation time)
We initialised the soliton with a nonzero velocity
. Let's check if the soliton moved during the simulation.
CartesianIndex(45, 32, 32)
Yes, it did – the maximum is now at a different location.
We can also check this by loading output files from output_dir
and plotting them.
using CairoMakie
using LaTeXStrings
using NPZ
fig = Figure()
for (i, t_index) in enumerate([1, length(output_times)])
rho= npzread(joinpath(output_dir, "rho_$(t_index).npy"))
ax = Axis(fig[1, i], title=L"$t = %$(output_times[t_index])$", aspect=DataAspect())
heatmap!(grids.x[:, 1, 1], grids.y[1, :, 1], rho[:, :, Int(resol//2)])
After understanding this overview you may want to browse the example notebooks to see more complex simulations and analysis.
Please open an issue if you run into problems or have feature requests.